Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Marbey and Shortstack NYC Photo Shoot

Recently, Marbey was apart of a photo shoot with Shortstack. Shortstack is a teen driven fashion and modeling program whose goal is to allow young girls who do not fit the "normal" model standards to be a part of charitable fashion events. The location of the photo shoot was at the Brooklyn Bridge Park allowing the images to contain the legendary New York City skyline and the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. The models are dressed in new and classic women clothing by Marbey. The Marbey and Shortstack collaboration allows both companies to reach each other’s audiences while presenting what they do best.

For more information on Shortstack, please visit:

Shortstack™ was created by high school students under the guidance of Windows of Opportunity, Inc. to give these "short" girls a chance at achieving their dreams as models and empower them to love themselves for who they are. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Marbey Goes Green

During the month of April, we will be continuing our dedication to our community involvment by celebrating being Green. Through out the month, we will be selling the limited edition “Save The Trees” t-shirt. Portions of the sales will go towards the planting of trees in NYC by GrowNYC. GrowNYC is a non-profit based in New York City that focuses on improving the environment with programs that help communities and New Yorkers keep a healthy environment. They provide access to local food, creation of green spaces and gardens, recycling assistance, and educational programs on the environment. During the month, we will be offering tips and facts on being green through Facebook and Twitter. Please join us to support this cause.

To buy the "Save The Trees" tee, visit:

For more information on GrowNYC, please visit


Friday, March 25, 2011

Marbey Supporting Mama Luke's Foundation

Since October of 2010, Marbey has been involved with The Mama Luke Foundation. The Mama Luke Foundation is a charity for breast cancer awareness in honor of Gay Frances ("Mama Luke") Gunn-Lucas founded The Kangol Kid, of the iconic Hip-Hop group UTFO. With the help of hip-hop legends such as LA Sunshine, Dana Dane, and Roxanne Shanté, The Mama Luke Foundation has become a major movement in the hip-hop community as one of the leaders in breast cancer awareness. We have continued to sponsor and support this cause by The Mama Luke Foundation and we would like to encourage our community to support the cause as well. We would like to thank Kangol for giving us the privilege to be a part of this great cause.

For more information on The Mama Luke Foundation, please visit: