Recently, Marbey was apart of a photo shoot with Shortstack. Shortstack is a teen driven fashion and modeling program whose goal is to allow young girls who do not fit the "normal" model standards to be a part of charitable fashion events. The location of the photo shoot was at the Brooklyn Bridge Park allowing the images to contain the legendary New York City skyline and the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. The models are dressed in new and classic women clothing by Marbey. The Marbey and Shortstack collaboration allows both companies to reach each other’s audiences while presenting what they do best.
For more information on Shortstack, please visit:
Shortstack™ was created by high school students under the guidance of Windows of Opportunity, Inc. to give these "short" girls a chance at achieving their dreams as models and empower them to love themselves for who they are.
For more information on Shortstack, please visit:
Shortstack™ was created by high school students under the guidance of Windows of Opportunity, Inc. to give these "short" girls a chance at achieving their dreams as models and empower them to love themselves for who they are.